Chris Hemsworth warns 'Avengers 4' will be 'even more shocking' than 'Infinity War'


While many of us are still talking through the traumatic ending of Avengers: Infinity War with our therapists, Chris Hemsworth is now warning that we don't know the half of it. Literally.

"If you were shocked by [Infinity War], I think the second one is even more shocking, for other reasons entirely," Hemsworth said in a recent Esquire interview. Avengers 4 — or Infinity War Part II — comes out in May 2019. 

He went on to say, "That’s what kind of blew me away the first time I read both scripts, is how they managed to orchestrate so many different characters but give them each their own separate shot and moments, and have it be elevated and feel fresh and unique—not just like a messy, thrown-together assembly of these guys." Read more...

More about Entertainment, Marvel Studios, Chris Hemsworth, Avengers Infinity War, and Avengers 4

via Zero Tech Blog

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