Ultimate 'Star Wars' fan runs Darth Vader-shaped route every May the 4th


Have you ever liked a movie franchise so much you ran multiple miles for it?

Me either.

But every year on May the 4th — aka Star Ward Day — Reddit user runwithpugs runs a 4-mile route in his neighborhood that's shaped like Darth Vader's helmet.

If that's not dedication, I don't know what is.

I have so many questions. Did they just wake up one May 4 and ask, "How can I honor this great American franchise?" and automatically jump to running a route that's shaped like one of the iconic characters?

Either way, I'm impressed. I never thought about running in the shape of Samwise Gamgee's foot because I love Lord of the Rings, but now that seems like a nice thing to aspire to. Read more...

More about Star Wars, Darth Vader, Run, May The 4th, and Culture

via Zero Tech Blog

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