Star Wars needs to rebrand its 'A Star Wars Story' spin-offs


We're two movies deep into the Star Wars spin-offs and it appears that the folks in charge of branding over there are firmly set on the subtitle A Star Wars Story.

This is not good.

A Star Wars Story is a bad subtitle. It's long. It's janky. You can't even really call it a subtitle. If anything, "A Star Wars Story" is a statement about a movie, as if somebody is in the middle of a sentence explaining to their unaware friend what Rogue One and Solo are.

In fact, we shouldn't even be using a subtitle at all. The overarching brand should come first, just like with every other series that has ever existed. It's not Fellowship of the Ring: Lord of the Rings, and it sure as hell isn't Empire Strikes Back: Star Wars Episode V. Put "Star Wars" front and center. Read more...

More about Movies, Rogue One A Star Wars Story, Solo A Star Wars Story, Entertainment, and Movies Tv Shows

via Zero Tech Blog

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