Leia's still loved and some like it Hoth: What we learned this May the 4th


May the Fourth, for many fans, isn't the one true Star Wars Day. May 25, the franchise's birthday (and this year, the day Solo flies into theaters) is a better candidate for that.

Still, the pun-based holiday appears to have settled down into a fun routine of clever jokes in unusual locations (nice one, London Heathrow). In contrast to the situation a couple of years ago, it seems, brands have finally learned how to speak Star Wars.

And in the scramble to celebrate the day, there are plenty interesting nuggets of Star Wars wisdom being dropped. For example, Yahoo offered some interesting statistics on its most-searched Star Wars terms that quantify a truth universally acknowledged: we love Princess/General Leia Organa now more than ever. Read more...

More about Princess Leia, Carrie Fisher, Leia, Entertainment, and Star Wars

via Zero Tech Blog

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