Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO, says he doesn't have a laptop. At all.


Jack Dorsey does everything from his phone. 

Seriously, the CEO of Twitter doesn't have a laptop. He shared that fact at a press breakfast in Sydney, Australia on Friday.

"I don't have a laptop, no, I do everything on my phone," he told 9 News presenter Deb Knight, who'd asked Dorsey about his own online security practices. Knight was referencing the infamous photo of fellow social network CEO Mark Zuckerberg, in which his webcam is physically obscured with tape.

"It was important to me because I turn off my notifications, and for me it's one application at a time. So I just have one app up, and I can really focus on what's in front of me instead of everything coming at me as I would a laptop." Read more...

More about Twitter, Jack Dorsey, Laptop, Tech, and Social Media Companies

via Zero Tech Blog

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