Happy 2nd anniversary to Trump's infamous 'Cinco de Mayo' tweet


Our nation's history is a treasure trove of great works of prose by our presidents, a collection of speeches and documents that can stand on their own but, taken together, also lay out the history of this great country.

The Declaration of Independence

George Washington's farewell address

The Gettysburg Address

FDR's "Day of Infamy" speech. 

JFK's inaugural address

Barack Obama's 2004 convention speech.

And, yes, Donald Trump's 2016 Cinco de Mayo tweet. 

Happy #CincoDeMayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics! https://t.co/ufoTeQd8yA pic.twitter.com/k01Mc6CuDI

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 5, 2016

More about Twitter, Donald Trump, Cinco De Mayo, Culture, and Politics

via Zero Tech Blog

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