Don't binge 'The Handmaid's Tale' over Memorial Day weekend. I am saying this because I care.


For many people, a three-day weekend is an excuse to attend a barbecue or spend some time outside, perhaps in a park or on the kind of rooftop that has chairs. For others, it’s an excuse to sit and catch up on TV while the world’s expectations are briefly and wonderfully paused. For those in the latter group, I have one television-related suggestion that will make your long weekend much better than it might be if my advice is not heeded, and please — just trust me: 

Do not binge watch The Handmaid’s Tale over Memorial Day weekend. Do not binge watch The Handmaid’s Tale ever. Don’t make the mistake I made recently, which was to watch five of Season 2’s episodes in a row and then watch the sixth, most recent episode at work. It won’t be fun. Twenty minutes into episode one will compel any sane person to pour themselves a stiff drink, and there are hundreds of minutes to go before the first six episodes run their course. It’s not even halfway through the 13-episode season and I’m stressed. Read more...

More about Hulu, Handmaids Tale, Entertainment, and Movies Tv Shows

via Zero Tech Blog

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