Why Iron Man needs to die in 'Avengers: Infinity War'


Let's get the bad news out of the way: your boy Iron Man is probably gonna die in Avengers: Infinity War. But the good news is, he probably should die.

Why am I ruining everything you once loved and held dear? I'm not. Marvel is doing that, so please direct your Twitter @s their way.

The evidence to support Tony Stark dying in the upcoming battle to end all battles is substantial. We already know people are going to die in Infinity War. Screenwriter Stephen McFeely told Entertainment Weekly that, "It’s safe to say we will say farewell to people." And it really won't be much of a farewell unless we're saying goodbye to at least one of the main Avengers.  Read more...

More about Entertainment, Marvel, Marvel Studios, Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Tony Stark

via Zero Tech Blog

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