There is a new instrument in town and it's a saxophone/harmonica hybrid


You know those days where you just want to play your saxophone during every free moment but it's too dang big to lug around?

OK, so that may be a really random, specific problem that no one has. But wanting to learn music, play music, or join a band is common — and so is not wanting to invest in a giant instrument that you'll play on one occasion. But like, who wants to say that the instrument they play is something tiny like the triangle? (No offense to triangle players!)

The thing is, a ton of people are genuinely interested in playing music (past learning to play the recorder in fourth grade) but it's hard to justify spending that much if you can't devote your entire life to expensive music lessons and carrying around a sax case. Read more...

More about Musicians, Jazz, Musical Instrument, Mashable Shopping, and Shopping Solo

via Zero Tech Blog

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