Pennsylvania schools are arming their teachers with very useful mini baseball bats


In the midst of a national gun debate led by victims of the Parkland shooting, one Pennsylvania school district is taking a ... rather questionable approach to protecting students from another in-school tragedy.

The Millcreek School District announced Wednesday that it will be arming its 500 teachers with miniature baseball bats to fend off potential school shooters. 

It didn't take long for Twitter users to criticize the decision. 

"According to Hall, the 16-inch bats were distributed to each teacher, following an in-service training day on how to respond to school shootings."
Dafuq are they supposed to do with a 16" baseball bat?

— Leqsee (@Leqsee) April 11, 2018

More about Twitter Reactions, Parkland Shooting, Culture, and Web Culture

via Zero Tech Blog

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