Watching Stormy Daniels decimate trolls on Twitter is its own kind of porn


Since Twitter won't ban trolls outright, perhaps the best thing we can do is subject them to a more restorative punishment — Stormy Daniels' Twitter wrath.

Daniels, the porn star who allegedly had an affair with Donald Trump, has made liberals happier than they've been in years with her recent round of threats against the trolls who come for her. 

We thought we'd seen it all when Stormy came forward with carnal "Shark Week" details, but the performer has promised us a whole new jizzy chapter of revelations. Robert Mueller, please pick up the pace.

Little attention has been paid to one of Stormy's lesser known gifts, her Twitter comebacks. They're no pee tape, but they're rich with orifice humor and GILF iconography.  Read more...

More about Trump, Trolls, Stormy Daniels, Culture, and Web Culture

via Zero Tech Blog

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