Steven Spielberg explained why 'Ready Player One' only references the original 'Star Wars'


As an unabashed homage to geek culture and 80s nostalgia smorgasboard, you probably assumed Ready Player One would be dripping with Star Wars references.

You'd be wrong.

While the marketing for Steven Spielberg's upcoming movie showed zero restraint when it came to pop culture references, the director said he was actually careful about name-dropping Star Wars. Or rather, which Star Wars movies he included from the ever-expanding movie franchise.

"We didn’t want to use the main cultural icons from any of the Disney Star Wars films, because those are ongoing. That’s really part of our contemporary world right now. And even though it began in the ’80s, it is so much a part of our real life today in the 21st century. So we asked for some of the smaller items, and Disney gave us everything we asked for," Spielberg said at a SXSW interview with Fandango. Read more...

More about Entertainment, Star Wars, Steven Spielberg, Ready Player One, and Entertainment

via Zero Tech Blog

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