Robert Mueller delivers heartbreaking news on 'The Bachelor' for 'SNL'


For its latest cold open sketch, Saturday Night Live mashed together two names from some of the top headlines of the past week: Robert Mueller and The Bachelor.

Kate McKinnon revived her impression of the special counsel investigating Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election in a send-up of ABC's hit reality series. In the sketch, McKinnon-as-Mueller shares some heartbreaking news with bachelorette Cicely Strong: He doesn't have a collusion case.

It's hard to hear. You watch as Strong struggles to keep her emotions in check while she ponders the reality of six more years with a narcissistic sociopath running the country. Her misery is a reflection of all of us. Read more...

More about Entertainment, Saturday Night Live, The Bachelor, Robert Mueller, and Entertainment

via Zero Tech Blog

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