Millie Bobby Brown runs around a barn in new Calvin Klein campaign


Friends being friends in a barn.

That's the concept behind the latest Calvin Klein campaign, starring ya gurl Millie Bobby Brown, alongside Paris Jackson.

Shot by fashion photographer Willy Vanderperre, the newest faces of the #MYCALVINS campaign dropped on Thursday, featuring the Stranger Things star, Jackson and CK model Lulu Tenney. It's all sunflowers and sunshine and #barnlyf.

OUR MOMENT#MYCALVINS@milliebbrown, Lulu, and @parisjackson are part of the CALVIN KLEIN family. Shot by Willy Vanderperre. We’ve shown you our family, now show us yours#MYCALVINS

— CALVIN KLEIN (@CalvinKlein) February 22, 2018

More about Fashion, Calvin Klein, Millie Bobby Brown, Paris Jackson, and Culture

via Zero Tech Blog

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