You might have spotted that the New York Times has waged war on women's workout gear. Yoga pants, to be precise. An op-ed published on the NYT Opinion page on Sunday added yoga pants to the ever-burgeoning catalogue of Things That Are Bad For Women™.
Its author, Honor Jones—a woman—claimed that women only wear this previously uncontroversial garment because "they're sexy," and proffered sweatpants as an unobtrusive alternative deserving of a revival. Sexiness isn't the only problem with yoga pants, by Jones's estimation. They also, happen to "show every dimple and roll in every woman over 30"—which seemingly makes it harder to "conquer the world" in Jones' vision of gender politics. Read more...
More about Fashion, Yoga, Body Shaming, Leggings, and Slut Shamingvia Zero Tech Blog