It's not just a few pink pussyhats, a handful of marchers, #MeToo posts, or women launching political campaigns — a huge surge of women is getting involved in politics. A movement is here.
After the one-year anniversary of the inaugural Women's March on Washington, Time magazine's cover this week features 48 of the record-breaking number of women running for political office in the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election, whether for governor, Congress, state legislature, or school board.
One year ago, millions of women marched in pink hats. Today, there are more women running for office than ever before. Call it a revolution, call it payback, or call it the Pink Wave https://t.co/78YlUtfD87 pic.twitter.com/sW0P7sS9OE
— Charlotte Alter (@CharlotteAlter) January 18, 2018
via Zero Tech Blog