Why 'Fire and Fury' could mark the end of the road for Trump


It's safe to say that Fire and Fury, which lived up to its title in the way it hit bookstores Friday, is not the most rigorously fact-checked book in history. 

The author of the tome that has set Washington ablaze, Michael Wolff, has a reputation from his New York media columnist days for "reconstructing" conversations with his subjects inaccurately. And it doesn't seem the old dog has learned any new tricks this time around. 

For example, one billionaire friend of Donald Trump quoted in the book has already denied that he called the president "not only crazy, but stupid," and is furious that Wolff never called him to check the quote. That's lax behavior for any journalist, least of all one covering a guy who screams "fake news!" every chance he gets. Read more...

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via Zero Tech Blog

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