We've all been there before: A friend or loved one feels down, maybe even depressed, but we're not sure how to raise the subject. Will it offend them? Could it make them feel worse?
Those fears might convince us that staying silent is the best bet, but a new campaign called Seize the Awkward wants to help people get past such concerns so they can provide support to someone who may really need it.
The initiative launches Wednesday with a quirky PSA featuring Broadway star Gideon Glick. Dressed in a brown turtleneck, Glick pops up in the most awkward scenarios: two football players using urinals in a bathroom, a couple staring at the ceiling as they lay naked in bed, two besties sitting in silence as one tries to ask the other how she's doing. Read more...
More about Social Good, Mental Health, Suicide, Psa, and Suicide Preventionvia Zero Tech Blog