The end of 'Game of Thrones' earned a standing ovation from the cast


We may not see the ultimate ending of Game of Thrones until 2019, but the actors have now read the script for the series finale, and they're already beginning to torture us with cryptic clues.

The latest culprit is Sansa Stark herself, Sophie Turner, who described the experience of being at the final table read for the last episode as "bittersweet" in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.

"At the end of the very last script, they read aloud, 'End of Game of Thrones.' As soon as they read that out, pretty much everyone burst into tears," Turner teased. "There was a standing ovation for [showrunners David Benioff and Dan Weiss]. We were all clapping and cheering. It was amazing." Read more...

More about Game Of Thrones, Sophie Turner, Sansa Stark, Game Of Thrones Season 8, and Game Of Thrones Spoilers

via Zero Tech Blog

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