Here comes the Museum of Selfies to stoke your Instagram-art obsession


Your sister's friend's duckface selfie might not compare to the Mona Lisa on first glance (or at all), but a new experiential museum is challenging that notion.

The Museum of Selfies, opening in January in a Los Angeles suburb, purports to raise — if not answer — lofty questions like "is the selfie art?" or "why do we disdain selfies?" 

Along with art inspired by selfie culture that's designed to educate comes photo ops and interactive spaces built for Instagram. As much as this museum is about meditating on the roles selfies play in our lives, it also feeds into a larger trend hitting cities across the world: spaces like the Museum of Ice Cream and Happy Place specially made for social media. Even before we were all taking pictures in sprinkle pools and confetti rooms, we were using Jeff Koons' balloon dogs to capture our reflections in the perfect pic. This is how we interact with art now.  Read more...

More about Instagram, Art, Selfies, Museums, and Visual Art

via Zero Tech Blog

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