Here come the first Apple lawsuits over the slowing down of iPhones


It's only been a few days since the world learned Apple was purposely slowing down older iPhones in an effort, as they say, to save battery life. And already we have our first series of class-action lawsuits against the tech giant. 

While some have suggested it's not a big deal, others have responded with outrage. Now there are two lawsuits, one filed in Illinois and another in California, calling shenanigans on the whole thing. 

The Illinois lawsuit, filed by five people — a pair in Chicago with other plaintiffs from Ohio, Indiana, and North Carolina — calls the practice "deceptive, immoral, and unethical" and says the iOS updates Apple has been rolling out to slow old phones down “were engineered to purposefully slow down or ‘throttle down’ the performance speeds."  Read more...

More about Apple, Iphone, Lawsuits, Throttling, and Tech

via Zero Tech Blog

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