First 'Alita: Battle Angel' trailer answers the question 'What would anime eyes look like IRL?'


Well, we'll say this for Alita: Battle Angel: We don't think we've seen a heroine look quite like this before.

We are talking, of course, about those enormous peepers. We'd barely raise an eyebrow if this were a cartoon, but she's played by a real actress (Rosa Salazar) with the aid of "realistic" CG animation – and boy, do they look weird.

They look so weird, in fact, that it's almost easy to overlook the rest of her body, which isn't quite human either. Alita is a cyborg rescued from a scrap heap by a scientist (Christoph Waltz, in what appears to be a good guy role for once). Read more...

More about Movies, Alita Battle Angel, Robert Rodriguez, Entertainment, and Movies Tv Shows

via Zero Tech Blog

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