Even these buses need their fill of caffeine.
Waste coffee grounds will be powering some of London's buses from Monday on, according to tech firm bio-bean, and petrol giant Shell.
The biofuel contains coffee oil, extracted from waste coffee grounds. This biofuel, which makes up 20 percent of the final fuel blend, will then be mixed with traditional diesel.
According to bio-bean, the average Londoner drinks 2.3 cups of coffee a day, translating to over 200,000 tonnes of waste a year.
The company takes some of these used coffee grounds from high street chains and factories, drying and processing them before oil can be extracted. This is later processed into a blended B20 biofuel, which simply refers to biofuel which is mixed with petroleum diesel. Read more...
More about London, Biofuel, Coffee Grounds, Buses, and Transport For Londonvia Zero Tech Blog