When ancient humans roamed the earth, anthropologists now believe, they walked into stores to do their holiday shopping instead of going online.
Sadly, that era ended when the giant Amazon.com meteor struck the earth, leaving millions trapped in their own homes waiting for their packages to arrive. Now, Walmart, seeking to boost in-store shopping, is trying to bring back the prehistoric tradition by throwing 20,000 holiday parties at 4,700 supercenters across the country.
Last month, I attended one of these these parties and immersed myself in the season's most unapologetically pure "retailtainment" experience, throwing 20 years of The Nation exposés to the wind and surviving only on complimentary Hershey's Kisses I stole from the children's table. Read more...
More about Watercooler, Ecommerce, Walmart, Retailers, and Holiday Shoppingvia Zero Tech Blog