Amazon is remaking 'Lord of the Rings' as a series because everyone wants their own 'Game of Thrones'


The rumors are true: Amazon Studios is moving ahead with a small-screen adaptation of J. R. R. Tolkien's beloved fantasy series The Lord of the Rings, despite the fact that Peter Jackson's film trilogy was pretty much perfect and a remake is wholly unnecessary. (We won't speak of The Hobbit franchise.)

Amazon has acquired global television rights to the series and given it a multi-season commitment, which will "explore new storylines preceding J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Fellowship of the Ring," according to a company release, implying that the show may weave in aspects of Tolkien's The Hobbit, since that story involves a number of characters who later reappear in Lord of the RingsRead more...

More about Game Of Thrones, Amazon Studios, Lord Of The Rings, Jrr Tolkien, and Peter Jackson

via Zero Tech Blog

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