TV hosts totally lose it trying to pronounce a weatherman's name


What on earth could be funny about the word "Shafernacker"? 

Morning TV hosts Phillip Schofield and Holly Willoughby often find themselves struggling to keep a straight face on This Morning, but yesterday they succumbed to a fit of the giggles when Holly botched announcing the name of their guest Tomasz Schafernaker‏.

Schafernaker is a BBC weatherman and was on This Morning to show off his portrait paintings, which are ridiculously photo-realistic.

Thanks guys for having me on @thismorning show 🎨👍👨‍🎨 @Schofe @hollywills, and thanks to #MonaLisa➡️ @Rylan’s back to the art board for more

— Tomasz Schafernaker (@Schafernaker) October 11, 2017

More about This Morning, Holly Willoughby, Philip Schofield, Thomasz Schafernaker, and Weatherman

via Zero Tech Blog

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