Samsung taps the Internet of Things to track your stuff


Samsung wants to make sure you never lose your stuff again. And is tapping the Internet of Things to do it. 

The consumer electronics giant has introduced the Samsung Connect Tag, which can clip on to any object, and accurately relay the object's location to your smartphone. 

Connect Tag will, as its name indicates, help you keep track of your stuff. If you've lost a device attached to Connect Tag, you can request its location from an app on your phone. And if your kid gets lost, they can press a button on Connect Tag to send you their exact location. 

But Samsung's late to the track-your-stuff game. There are plenty of other companies already trying to help you do just this, the difference here is that Samsung is leaning hard into the Internet of Things to extend range with its Connect Tag — no bluetooth needed. Read more...

More about Samsung, Tracking, Tagging, Tracking Device, and Samsung Connect Tag

via Zero Tech Blog

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