Samantha Bee goes in on 'White Cosby' Harvey Weinstein


In the week since The New York Times published its initial investigation into Harvey Weinstein's history of sexual assault (yes, it's only been a week), Samantha Bee was squarely between tapings of Full Frontal on TBS. Her team was watching, tweeting support and posting articles teasing a Bee-brand evisceration of Weinstein on cable.

Bee ran through the Weinstein scandal quickly and succinctly, sparing time for a jab at his "I came of age in the 60's and 70's" comment because that's no excuse.

"It's serial sexual harassment, not a Monkees tattoo," she said.

More about Entertainment, Television, Samantha Bee, Full Frontal With Samantha Bee, and Harvey Weinstein

via Zero Tech Blog

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