Hallowed be their names that are immortalised in yellow, four-fingered form. The list of Simpsons cameos is as close as a list can get to endless. And now co-creator of Rick and Morty Dan Harmon can count himself among Johnny Cash, Liz Taylor and James Earl Jones.
Harmon appeared on The Simpsons on Sunday as a teacher in the episode 'Springfield Splendor,' in which Marge and Lisa try to write a graphic novel together.
Rick and Morty already did a couch gag for The Simpsons a couple of years ago, but Harmon himself never appeared on it. In an Instagram post, he says he was nervous about how he would be portrayed, but he was pleasantly surprised. Read more...
More about Rick And Morty, Dan Harmon, Simpsons, Culture, and Movies Tv Showsvia Zero Tech Blog