Remember that 'alien megastructure'? It's probably not aliens, and that's OK.


Dust is pesky for astronomers. It's hard to see through in visible light, and it can obscure the true nature of all kinds of objects. 

And now, it looks like dust may have been masquerading as an "alien megastructure." 

A new study published this week in the Astrophysical Journal has found that an uneven ring of dust is probably to blame for the strange dimming and brightening of a star — named KIC 8462852, commonly known as Tabby's star — located more than 1,000 light-years from Earth.

This star rose to prominence a couple years ago when scientists speculated that the dimming, which hadn't been seen in a star before, could be due to a megastructure built around the object by some advanced alien civilization.  Read more...

More about Nasa, Science, Aliens, Astronomy, and Alien Life

via Zero Tech Blog

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