'Outlander' episode 5 finally gives us the moment we've been waiting for... with a twist


This recap contains spoilers for Outlander Season 3, episode 5, titled "Freedom and Whisky." If you need to refresh your memory with where we left off, check out our recap of episode 4.

After five episodes of build-up, the moment is finally here — Claire and Jamie have reunited! 

Okay, so Jamie's unconscious, but nobody's perfect.

The emotional hour culminates in possibly the cruelest cliffhanger imaginable, as Claire finally returns to the past, arriving in 1766 Edinburgh to track down the print shop of one "Alexander Malcolm." When she gets there and finally lays eyes on her soulmate after two decades, a world of emotion passes between the two of them, until the shock and awe overtakes our dashing hero and he faints before he can even say a word, clearly overwhelmed at the reality of seeing Claire after years of imagining her. Read more...

More about Outlander, Sam Heughan, Caitriona Balfe, Outlander Season 3, and Sophie Skelton

via Zero Tech Blog

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