MashReads Podcast: Getting nostalgic over hope and change with former Obama speechwriter David Litt


When writer David Litt was 21, he fell in love. This wasn't romantic love (at least not as part of this story), but he was seriously smitten with a presidential candidate.

Like many people, young and old alike, Litt fell hard and fast for then-candidate Barack Obama. Unlike most people, Litt later worked in the Obama White House, eventually as a speechwriter for the president. And now he's written a book all about it.

Thanks, Obama: My Hopey, Changey White House Years (A Speechwriter's Memoir) may have a title nearly as long as the former president's two terms, but the memoir reads more like a series of stories told by an old college friend over a few beers. Litt, who has a talent for both succinct writing and comedy (he writes for Funny or Die these days), is just as earnest in his retellings as he is realistic. Yes, this is a love story, but it's also a story of a young man growing up and learning hard truths.  Read more...

More about Barack Obama, Mashreads, Mashreads Podcast, David Litt, and Entertainment

via Zero Tech Blog

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