Maybe you see it. The resemblance. Kellyanne Conway. Pennywise from IT. Kellywise the Dancing Clown.
The writers at Saturday Night Live sure did.
SEE ALSO: 'SNL's' response to the Harvey Weinstein scandal proves that they probably shouldn't have bothered
Tonight’s offering in the ongoing cinematic saga of Kellyanne vs. Anderson Cooper featured Alex Moffat’s Cooper (clad in a yellow raincoat, natch) finding a reason to peek down a storm drain — while everyone and their brother shouted at home, “DON’T GO NEAR THE STORM DRAIN, COOP!
Hiding inside was the disturbingly clownish Conway, played expertly as always by Kate McKinnon. Read more...
More about Video, Saturday Night Live, It, Anderson Cooper, and Kate Mckinnonvia Zero Tech Blog