'Great News' completely burns Hollywood with ultra-timely sexual harassment episode


Chances are that NBC's Great News probably didn't script and film a whole episode in a week to accommodate the conversation about Harvey Weinstein's sexual harassment (duh). Thursday's episode of the comedy about employees at a daytime talk show was always going to air – it's just eerily topical.

In Season 2 episode 3 (available on Hulu), Katie (Briga Wheelan) learns that her show's new producer Diana (Tina Fey) is sexually harassing male employees. Once one says something, more come forward, but Katie and Portia (Nicole Richie) refuse to believe it.

"How many more men have to come forward before you believe us?" they ask. The show smartly flips the gender script to show how ridiculous the things some men say about women victims are. Read more...

More about Entertainment, Television, Nbc, Sexual Harassment, and Tina Fey

via Zero Tech Blog

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