Fall: that time of year when all of your friends drag you our of your warm apartment and into the wild to gather up one of the crappiest fruits in the game.
For fun.
Sometime in the last two decades, apple-picking became a seasonal pilgrimage for urban millennials seeking to get in touch with "rural America" — without, you know, actually having to get in touch with rural Americans. Every year, they travel hundreds of miles to get their hands on whatever produce they could've picked up at the store, then have the audacity to call this nausea-inducing journey "a good weekend."
Forget what your friends tell you. Burn your New York Times travel section (why do you read that anyways?). Just don't go. Apple picking is nothing more than a desperate attempt by lobbyists in the fall industry to rebrand their season as something more than a chilly prelude to winter. Read more...
More about Watercooler, Humor, Fall, Culture, and Web Culturevia Zero Tech Blog