Elon Musk lands himself an emotional tribute song from Weezer's former bassist


It's not William Shatner's spoken word cover of "Rocket Man," but it's pretty catchy.

Tesla founder Elon Musk has found himself the muse for a crestfallen new tribute song, dubbed "Elon Musk Is Making Me Sad." Posted on Soundcloud and first spotted by Wired, the track comes from Matt Sharp, former bassist for Weezer and current frontman for The Rentals.

A lugubrious tale of woe, unbridled jealousy and eventual awe, the song follows rival neighbours Sharp and "Musk," from two households, both alike in middle class dignity. 

Both boys land a sweet Commodore VIC-20 from Santa for Christmas, but while Sharp uses his computer "to make fake I.D.’s and buy beer in junior high," his "foe studied every bit of that 8bit whore."  Read more...

More about Music, Elon Musk, Weezer, Song, and The Rentals

via Zero Tech Blog

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