Blickfeld scores $4.25M seed round to let autonomous vehicles ‘see’ Ifeadi C. 00:20 TechCrunch, Zero Tech Blog Blickfeld, a Munich-based startup developing a low-cost light detection and ranging (LiDAR) system to let autonomous vehicles “see,” has raised $4.25 million in seed funding. Read More via Zero Tech Blog Share this Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ Related PostsKaltura acquires interactive video startup Rapt MediaGDPR meltdown: A bunch of U.S. news sites are down in EuropeWhy you should care about GDPR, even if you don't live in EuropeRover’s epic raise, Uber’s Q1 results and a trio of IPOsGet a custom, single speed coaster bike for less than $200 and have it delivered to your houseGoogle’s Duo and Cisco’s Webex Teams among the VoIP apps pulled from the China App Store