Even the staunchest of Halloween haters have to crack a smile when they lay their eyes on a great couples costume.
Sure, couple costumes are usually goofy but you have tip your hat for all the effort people put into some great ensembles.
SEE ALSO: Scrambling for a Halloween costume? ThinkGeek’s got you covered with these adorable onesies.
All it takes is a little ingenuity and a great partner willing to play the part. Here are some of the best costumes for you and your boo to try this Halloween:
1. Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones
This costume couple is kind of awkward because Daenerys is Jon's aunt. However if you are willing to ignore those details you’ll be as happy as Cersei and Jaime Lannister used to be. Read more...
More about Halloween, Game Of Thrones, Beauty And The Beast, Halloween Costumes, and Harley Quinnvia Zero Tech Blog