11 TEDx talks on failure (that you probably haven’t seen)


Hide. Run. Bury. Welcome to the 21st century’s default approach to failure. Sure, we enshrine motivational mottos like “Fail fast, fail often,” but moving those sentiments into our hearts is anything but easy.

Pride dogs us. Ego protests. And the pain of disappointment — not to mention the pain of embarrassment — can be overwhelming. While a few brave souls confide their losses to trusted friends, the one thing we never do is share our failures to be recorded and watched in perpetuity.

Maybe we should.

Long-term success comes from embracing our failures, not denying them. And the bigger the stage, the better the embrace. As proof, here are 11 TEDx Talks — “x” meaning independently organized, so there’s a good chance you haven’t seen them yet — to help you transform your failures. Read more...

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