Zach Braff's face is being illegally used in erectile dysfunction ads and he doesn't seem to mind


It's important to have a sense of humor about yourself and when people use you to sell erectile dysfunction medicine. 

Zach Braff, also known as as J.D. from Scrubs, informed his twitter followers Wednesday that his lovely face is being used in Ukraine to advertise male enhancement pills. Except, he never really gave his permission. 

But who cares? Sex drugs should be readily available for all, and if his mug sells them, who cares about pesky things like laws.

I mean, can we blame Ukraine? Considering he's charismatically dressed in character making him super believable to those who don't know him, we're sure it sells. Though, it may not entirely be legal. Read more...

More about Twitter, Celebrities, Ukraine, Twitter Reactions, and Zach Braff

via Zero Tech Blog

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