Watch John Green read the first chapter of his new book


Turtles All the Way Down is John Green's first novel in six years, and with the pressure to followup The Fault in Our Stars, the author read a short preview on his YouTube channel on Tuesday.

The book opens with an epitaph from Arthur Schopenhauer: "Man can do what he wills, but he cannot will what he wills," and is narrated by 16-year-old Aza Holmes, whom Green stated in the initial announcement is a character who struggles with mental illness.

"Admittedly I have some anxiety problems, but I would argue it isn't irrational to be concerned about the fact that you're a skin-encased bacterial colony," Green reads in Aza's narration. Read more...

More about Entertainment, Books, John Green, Vlogbrothers, and Turtles All The Way Down

via Zero Tech Blog

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