Twitter's #280characters is the new verified blue tick, because people are super jelly they don't have it


Twitter has started allowing a handful of its users to post tweets of 280 characters — double its longstanding 140 character length.

But because only a "small group" of users is part of the trial, everyone else left out of the party is jealous as heck.

After the announcement, Ellen Degeneres promptly tweeted this funny:

I’m so excited to be part of @Twitter’s #280characters rollout. Let me just say it’s an honor and a privilege. I’d like to thank my wonderf

— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) September 27, 2017

People who took her seriously responded to her joke by being incredibly salty: Read more...

More about Twitter, Tweets, Jelly, 280characters, and 280 Characters

via Zero Tech Blog