Someone actually completed this insane Super Mario puzzle


Within that box sits 1,000 puzzle pieces and roughly 500 of them are nearly identical. Somehow, somebody managed to put them all together.

For Super Mario Day 2017, ThinkGeek released the above 1,000-piece puzzle, and Reddit user HardAngelFan completed it a couple months later. The title of their post: "I used to love puzzles. Never. Again."

Here is the completed puzzle:

Who thought it was a good idea to make 50% of a 1,000-piece puzzle the same color?

Sure, the background isn't exactly solid red — there are some diagonal gray lines to assist in the piece-matching process — but come on. Imagine finishing the right half and then staring at that menacing pile of red pieces, hours of work standing between you and completion. Read more...

More about Gaming, Nintendo, Puzzles, Super Mario, and Entertainment

via Zero Tech Blog

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