So ... what is Jennifer Lawrence's 'mother!' really about?


Warning: Major spoilers for mother! are ahead.

Well, that was something.

Jennifer Lawrence's mother! has finally arrived in theaters, and the general reaction can be summed up in three letters: WTF?

It's clear that writer-director Darren Aronofsky is trying to say something with his new work, and that he wants to get people talking about that something. The problem is that no one quite seems able to agree on what that something is. 

Ask 10 people who've just seen this movie what they think it's "really" about, and you might get half a dozen different explanations. I know, because I did just that after seeing mother! for the first time at TIFF. Read more...

More about Jennifer Lawrence, Darren Aronofsky, Mother, Entertainment, and Movies Tv Shows

via Zero Tech Blog

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