Since no one else will, I’m taking it upon myself to be the Scrooge of fall


Everyone's favorite season is finally here. A time of perfect weather, vibrant leaves, and pumpkin spice lattes — I don't know of anyone who doesn't love fall. But, I won't settle. 

For every favorite season, there must be a Scrooge to even out the playing field. Any takers? No? Well not to worry, I took one for the team and became the Scrooge of fall.

That's right, I hate fall now. Fall sucks. I would rather be framed for murder than go pumpkin picking. The only thing worse than a pumpkin patch is World War II. Every time you say you need a light scarf, I automatically share a cruel fact about PETA. What's that, you need a light scarf? Did you know that in 2011, out of 760 dogs impounded, PETA killed 713 and farmed out 36 to other shelters? Horrible.  Read more...

More about Humor, Fall, Culture, and Web Culture

via Zero Tech Blog

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