Satellite stares into Hurricane Jose's eye, revealing whitecaps on the ocean below


While Hurricane Irma has garnered the most headlines in the past few days, the next storm that needs to be watched is already lurking in the Atlantic. 

Hurricane Jose narrowly missed hitting Barbuda and Anguilla on Friday and Saturday, avoiding a doomsday scenario for those islands, which were ravaged by Hurricane Irma only a few days prior. 

A new, striking satellite photo taken by the European Space Agency's Sentinel-1 satellite, shows off Hurricane Jose's extreme power.

Within Jose's eye, you can see swirling low-level clouds that make up mesovortices spinning within the eye of the most powerful hurricanes, like Jose. This is a research interest for severe storm scientists, who are trying to understand how these pinwheeling clouds form and function. Read more...

More about Space, Climate, Science, Extreme Weather, and Satellite

via Zero Tech Blog

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