Milkshake Duck: We need to stop idolizing unremarkable people on the internet


Going viral sucks. 

We're not talking about influencers and celebrities who make their careers off the attention of the general public, we're talking about those random, people who are suddenly thrust into the national spotlight for doing something remarkably unremarkable.

The most recent example is that Florida Hot Cop who turned out to be an anti-semite. Surprise, surprise.

But he's not the first. 

Chewbacca Mom, Ken Bone, Gary from Chicago, Chicken Nugget Kid, and most recently, the "Hot Cop" from Florida all shared the same fate — they went super viral for doing something incredibly normal. Then, after a bit of sleuthing, the internet discovered that they were not worthy of the pedestal in which they were placed.  Read more...

More about Watercooler, Memes, Culture, Milkshake Duck, and Culture

via Zero Tech Blog

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