Mark Zuckerberg, you dress like crap


Let's just say it: Mark Zuckerberg dresses horribly, and he should be ashamed every time he appears in public.

Here is a man in charge of the world's most important social network — one that probably ended American democracy as we knew it! — and thanks to a general acceptance of his limp-ass techno-bro privilege, he gets away with wearing a the same ugly T-shirt and jeans whenever he steps outside. It's a uniform that says "I'm better than you," an astonishing hubris in 2017 after his company has done so much to divide people. He should be prostrating himself, or at the very least conducting himself with a bit of humility—sartorially and in general. Read more...

More about Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl Sandberg, Sexism, and Mark Zuckberberg T Shirt

via Zero Tech Blog