'Knack' was so lame, people can't believe 'Knack 2' is actually decent


Four years ago, Knack bombed. With poor reviews across the board and a fandom that seemed content to use the game as a punchline, no one expected it to birth a sequel. 

But it didKnack 2 is out today, and people are surprised to find that it's getting decent reviews.

Polygon's Colin Campbell wrote that the combat and platforming sections (the bulk of the game) were well-polishedKotaku's Stephen Totilo wrote that Knack 2 fixes all the problems that made Knack tedious and boringIGN's Cam Shea wrote about how much fun the game's co-op mode is. Read more...

More about Gaming, Sony, Playstation 4, Knack 2, and Entertainment

via Zero Tech Blog

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