Christmas can be a trying time for moms — not only when dealing with children, but dealing with, well, their own moms.
The new red band trailer for A Bad Moms Christmas shows Amy (Mila Kunis), Carla (Kathryn Hahn), and Kiki (Kristen Bell) welcoming their mothers home for Christmas (Christine Baranski, Susan Sarandon, and Cheryl Hines, respectively)...that is, until they decide to take the holiday back.
Like the previous restricted trailer, we get an extended look at Justin Hartley (This Is Us) as Carla's new sexy Santa love interest, and at the moms' moms bonding together over how misunderstood they are by their daughters. Read more...
More about Entertainment, Movies, Mila Kunis, Kristen Bell, and Bad Momsvia Zero Tech Blog